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Product List ¢x postRIP V60 ¢x postRIP V50 ¢x product Strategy
New features of postRIP V6.0  

postRIP V6.0 provides the improvement of more powerful and easy-to-use features to meet the variety and diversity of the prepress needs.

1. Job Ticket Carrier:
Logcenter & Workplace can be configured to arrange the job ticket for BrainNew and non-Brainnew¡¦s software. ?In Workplace, the progress log of all processes will be helpful for the management.

2. Combo Mode:
new binding method to combine Book mode and Jumble mode, so that a page frame can be predefined for its attributes (Bleed, Crop mark¡Ketc) and located in preset location. So that the layout with predefined page Frame can be reserved for subsequent use.
it supports:
more than one book to be imposed on one plate.
jumble job can be imposed with a book job.
Imposition layout for labels and packaging can be predefined on a Jumble plate.

3. JDF support:
MIS/ERP system with JDF data can be communicate with Template Client.
a new option in PLY output, 2 separations can be double burned to be output as one separation.

4. Job Management:
instead of the Book Management of postRIP V5.0, new Job Management can be used to manage different LAY as a single job.

5. Front & Back matching:
new front and back matching to improve the name card or nesting job imposition.

6. PDFcontone plugin:
new output to combine CMYK 1-bit TIFF into contone TIFF/PDF as well as to HP/Canon/Epson plotter.

7. PLY preview:
on ImageHarbor V6.0, user can preview PLY before the platewas output to device or proof.

8. FirstProof:
FirstProof option can be configured to Workplace, so that 1-bit TIFF/Harlequin PGB can be previewed.

9. Priority control for ImageHarbor output:
From Template client, user can define the output PLY job as high priority, and ImageHarbor will take care this job before others.

10. Secondary Output:
in ImageHarbor, a job can be routed to second folder, so that same data can be used for CTP and proof.

11. PLY Move:
PLY Job can be moved to another ImageHarbor, instead of moving file in File Explore.

12. Copy before output:
if the local area network is too busy to slow down the transmission speed, ImageHarbor can be set to move page images from remote folder to local disk, then start combining the pages into signature. In order to speed up the output, to prevent the influence from network traffic.